Sapiosexual meaning, unlike gender-specific limits, has no restrictions. Sapiosexuals are drawn to and focus on a person’s inner workings, and sexuality becomes less of an entity, explains Madhuri Ramesh.
Have you ever heard someone claim that they are drawn to you simply because of how you think? While you may have initially dismissed it as a nice flirty gesture or thought of them as someone who values your thoughts, the truth is… you may have come across a sapiosexual individual! We know that appreciating a person’s thoughts and character over their appearance is essential for maintaining a long-term, healthy relationship. However, ‘sapiosexuality’ is significantly more complicated than simply a preference for a wise spouse.
As defined by relationship therapist Dr Shivani Misri Sadhoo, Sapiosexuality is when an individual is sexually attracted to someone with high intelligence. The element is so powerful that they regard it as one of a mate’s most essential attributes or qualities. For sapiosexual people, everything begins and ends with the brain. Like any other person, a sapiosexual person desires deep and lasting interactions. However, finding the perfect match might be demanding more often than not.
Sapiosexual meaning, unlike gender-specific limits, has no restrictions. You can like men, women, transgender, bisexual, or any other gender or sexual identity. You have the freedom to be attracted to anybody you want. Sapiosexuals are drawn to and concentrate on the inner workings of a person’s mind, making sexuality less of an entity. Sapiosexual people can be queer, gay, lesbian, bisexual, or pansexual, among other things, and they may also identify as genderqueer or non-binary.
I am frequently mistaken with Sapiosexual Meaning.
The issue frequently starts with a misunderstanding. If you aren’t already aware, sapiosexuality is a relatively new addition to the broader sexual identity lexicon, first appearing in Merriam-Webster in 2004.
Furthermore, the term sapiosexual does not feature in the top five approved or even heard names on the gender spectrum. It is frequently misunderstood or confused with other regularly used terms such as ‘asexuality.’
Once they realize that sapiosexuality is all about being attracted to the intellect, most people mistakenly believe that sapiosexuals are entirely uninterested in sex. “Many people have asked me if I am not into sex and if I have any issues,” says Kevin, a sapiosexual Mumbai resident. “I’m like, why are we even talking about sex?”
How you think and speak is essential, and sex is the next step. In summary, if you meet a sapio, they may be receptive to sex but is drawn to you because of your intellect.”
Kevin also highlights ‘acceptance’ as a frequent problem most sapiosexuals experience while starting partnerships. This suggests that most people would rather avoid issues by dating someone they consider “normal.” “Even if people kind of feel that being sapio is acceptable, they would not try to know more about it and talk openly about it because they feel that this is something which isn’t generic,” he said.
Dr Vinod Chebbi, a counseling psychologist, and sex therapist, also emphasizes the need for emotional connection in sapiosexual relationships, pointing out that a lack of emotional connection might function as a barrier and prevent a sapiosexual relationship from thriving. “Eventually, if you remain only sapiosexual without being emotionally connected, then ultimately you turn out to be like a competitor,” he remarks. “You will never agree because you are only interested in adding intelligence to that.” “At that point, it’s an unhealthy combination,” he adds. The ‘ swipe left or right’ phenomenon widespread in today’s dating society is also a significant turn-off for sapiosexuals because casual hook-ups do not appeal to them.
It all boils down to faith.
Apart from these difficulties, sapiosexual people encounter varied degrees of discrimination, determined mainly by their context or location. Sapiosexuals, for example, may fall subject to gossip and backbiting even after being accepted for who they are. This is especially typical in professional settings and is one of the primary reasons most sapiosexuals are cautious about opening out. Being loud can lead to acceptance, leading to a person entering their comfort zone. On the other hand, being misread, judged, or backstabbed might eventually impair a person’s self-esteem, leading to trust issues.
As we all know, creating and maintaining trust is the foundation of any successful relationship. As a result, when sapiosexuals have trust concerns, their relationships tend to fall apart.
Kevin feels that raising knowledge of this lesser-known terminology will undoubtedly aid sapiosexuals in overcoming frequent obstacles. “There should be a ‘city index’ to determine acceptability.” In Goa, 70 out of 100 people would accept these terms. It would be roughly 60 to 65% in metros, whereas in Tier 1 and Tier 2, just 20 to 25 people out of 100 would be familiar with these phrases.” Dr. Shivani suggests that open communication, authenticity, and valuing other human traits besides intelligence are essential for effective sapiosexual partnerships. “Every individual is different, and there is always a possibility that in search of a specific good aspect, you may end up finding another good side of that person,” she said.