How to Convert MBOX to PDF File Format with a Manual Approach?

Convert MBOX to PDF File

Many users are curious about how to convert MBOX to PDF File format since the benefits of PDF files are immense.
PDF (Portable Document Format) is by Adobe. This is the most commonly used format till now, because of its multiple supportable platforms. This file format can be used as perfect evidence or unedited data format.
Therefore, in this article, we are giving users the best ways to convert MBOX to PDF file format. This article will solve all your issues regarding MBOX to PDF conversion.

Advantages of Converting MBOX to PDF

We are describing the reasons why we export MBOX to PDF format. So here are two different formats: MBOX and PDF. The MBOX extension file supports many email clients, like Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple Mail, and many other email clients. On the other hand, PDF files are supported by the application and browser. Let’s move on to the reasons for exporting MBOX to PDF.

Reasons are:

  1. In PDF each file can be protected by a password.
  2. It can be easily accessed by many other computer applications, and users do need a specific device.
  3. A PDF stores the important database without being edited.
  4. This can be used for legal, personal, or professional use.

How to Export MBOX to a PDF File

Alternate Method: The alternate method is an effective method that can convert MBOX to PST Format.

Manually: The manual method requires patience and lots of time. It is best for fewer file conversions.

Converter Method to Convert MBOX to PDF File

Freesoftvare MBOX to PST converter tool is highly rated across the internet. It easily works in batch conversions.

The following are the steps to export MBOX files to PST:-

  • Download and install the MBOX file-to-PST Converter software on your computer.
  • Select MBOX files from the drop-down menu by clicking on “Add file.”
  • The software will preview the MBOX emails and now, select the “PST” format.
  • To convert an MBOX file into a PST file, click “Export.”

Manual Method for Exporting MBOX to PDF File

  1. By downloading the add-on
  2. By downloading emails

Step 1: Download the Add-on on your System

  • Open Thunderbird and go to Tools > Add-ons. (If the menu isn’t visible, hold down the Alt key.)
  • Find the word “ImportExportTools” in the Add-ons Manager box and click on it.
  • Search for ImportExportTools NG and select “Add to Thunderbird” from the drop-down option.
  • Relaunch the Mozilla Thunderbird when the installation is completed.

Step 2: Download the Emails in PDF format

  • From the context menu, select ImportExportTools NG >> Import MBOX file.
  • Now, select the emails you want to convert to PDF.
  • After that, right-click on the MBOX file and select “Export as PDF” from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose a location for the PDF files to be saved.

The Limitation of Native Solutions

  1. The manual method is challenging and requires lots of composure.
  2. It may not maintain data consistency.
  3. It requires technical skills as well as a proper guide.
  4. This will not work on large file sizes.

At Last

In conclusion, here we use two steps to convey the manual method to convert MBOX to PDF file format. The reasons and the limitation are described on this page to help users to choose wisely the methods.
MBOX to PST converter is MVPs verified software tool that is user-friendly and gives straightforward results in the conversion process. users can easily export MBOX to PDF files in bulk with this software.


“I was fed up of always performing a manual procedure to convert MBOX to PST file format. Most of the time, things go wrong and I lost some of my data also. After that, someone suggested me this MBOX to PST Converter Wizard. I must say that this converts all my files in 3 clicks. It is such an effortless solution for a user like me. DataHelp Development team was done Great work. Thanks for the tool.”
