If you run a blog and are looking for ways to get lots of traffic from Google, then you’ve come to the right place. In this article, we use our years of experience creating successful blog posts and sharing them with real-world businesses to explain how you too can change online visitors into paying customers using effective SEO content strategies! Guest posting is the best way to rank your site on google.
On-Site SEO
The fact that on-page SEO is fast and easy to do, is what makes it one of the most popular techniques for increasing your organic rankings. It’s because you can tweak your pages in mere minutes. And begin to see an increase in traffic within days.
There’s no denying the fact that on-site SEO is a smart marketing move for just about every business owner out there. That’s because this particular type of SEO can be highly potent for boosting your online visibility, and it comes with the added advantage of helping to boost your page rank in just 2 minutes. Not only that, but you’ll start to see improvements within days!
SEO tips
- Find niche topics and relevant keywords
- Publish long content
- Optimize images
- Optimize URL
- Outreach
- Guest blogs
Niche tips
Niche keywords are very long-tail search terms that are relevant to a specific industry vertical (e.g., camping tents). In contrast, broad (or “wide”) keywords are fairly general and not typically associated with niche market niches. You should optimize your site as well as your pay-per-click campaigns for niche keywords rather than targeting broad search terms, which can be difficult to rank for unless you have an established presence in the industry.
It’s important to optimize your site and its content for niche keywords in search marketing initiatives, rather than broad, popular terms, which are often too difficult to rank for, especially when you’re just getting started.
Publish long content
On average, long-form content starts at just over 1200 words. Published longer-form blog posts tend to pick up more backlinks and gain more shares compared to short blog posts.
Generally speaking, blog posts that are longer than 1200 words tend to be shared more on social media. While there aren’t any conclusive scientific studies proving this to be true, it is a fact that utilizing keyword optimization in our content can lead to longer backlinks and as a result, greater search engine traffic.
Optimize images
A Google image search is not just any regular image search. There are other details that are taken into consideration, like alt text and meta descriptions which will make a huge difference in how a website appears in the SERPs to both viewers and a possible user. One of the ways we make sure that our blog posts have great SEO is by linking images to relevant content.
Optimize URL
Press releases are a highly effective form of content marketing. That doesn’t mean that a well-written article about your business should be neglected altogether. Collected together, these articles can make up an impressive press kit.
Therefore, short and keyword-rich URLs expedite your page’s One-Box score. Subfolders are non-existent in the second link, which clarifies that its product is based on SEO. Generally, subdomains lead to resource redundancy, whereas dot coms mainly present authority content.
Publish content that’s useful and useful. The next step is to reach out to other experts/individuals – whether it’s personal friends or your audience – in order to promote your articles and get some backlinks going.
Off-Page SEO is the process of getting your content published on external websites so that you can build backlinks to your main website. We’ll teach you 3 ways to do it:
Guest blogs
If you have the right connections, you can reach out to online media that may be interested in publishing your guest post.
If you’ve got the cash, you can get online media outlets to publish a piece written by you, along with a link back to your site.